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Chronological Emojitweets

Virgo 5

watchme_hater @watchme_hater
I didn't find my emoji sign until today .. And it's really cute .. Virgo >>
24 May 12 copy & paste +upvote -downvote I didn't find my emoji sign until today .. And it's really cute ♍.. Virgo >> ☺
Swagg_DatDude @Swagg_DatDude
24 May 12 copy & paste +upvote -downvote 9:21 ♍♍♍♍♍
1BaDDAzzBiTch @1BaDDAzzBiTch
Virgo problems
30 May 12 copy & paste +upvote -downvote ♍Virgo problems
Atleast7dollars @Atleast7dollars
N we slick beefin over emoji lmao
06 Jun 12 copy & paste +upvote -downvote N we slick beefin over emoji lmao ♍♍♍♍♍♍♍♍♍♍♍♍♍♍♍
O921_Virgo @O921_Virgo
RT @VirgoTerms: #Virgo enjoy seeing someone close to them succeed, especially if they had a h& in making it happen #TeamVirgo
06 Jun 12 copy & paste +upvote -downvote RT @VirgoTerms: #Virgo enjoy seeing someone close to them succeed, especially if they had a h& in making it happen ♍ #TeamVirgo
KhaaliqTheGreat @KhaaliqTheGreat
RT @VirgoTerms: #Virgo are full of restless energy, constantly seeking, constantly improving & constantly fixing whatever needs to be fixed
17 Jun 12 copy & paste +upvote -downvote RT @VirgoTerms: #Virgo are full of restless energy, constantly seeking, constantly improving & constantly fixing whatever needs to be fixed ♍
dityazufie @dityazufie
Padahal ∂ķΰ iki ӃυυυάȃǞªªªηҨϱϱϱ₪₪ ВǻªăªǻПğêêê† mbek Ќäu T_T
24 Jun 12 copy & paste +upvote -downvote Padahal ∂ķΰ iki ☃☹ӃυυυάȃǞªªªηҨϱϱϱ₪₪☹☃ ВǻªăªǻПğêêê† mbek Ќä♍u T_T
iRYAN305 @iRYAN305
RT @VirgoTerms: #Virgo are perfectionists when it comes to own pursuits, but tolerant of others when it comes to making mistakes #TeamVirgo
24 Jun 12 copy & paste +upvote -downvote RT @VirgoTerms: #Virgo are perfectionists when it comes to own pursuits, but tolerant of others when it comes to making mistakes ♍ #TeamVirgo
yeeeeaaakarla @yeeeeaaakarla
RT @JoeyRubio: #TeamVirgo Wassssup.
26 Jun 12 copy & paste +upvote -downvote RT @JoeyRubio: #TeamVirgo ♍ Wassssup.
renny_septiyan @renny_septiyan
Sesungguhnya ku berpura"..rela kan kau pilih cinta Ɣªήğ kau ăΰ...sesungguhnya ku tak pernah rela, karenaku Ɣªήğ bisa membuat hatimu utuh:)
29 Jun 12 copy & paste +upvote -downvote Sesungguhnya ku berpura"..rela kan kau pilih cinta Ɣªήğ kau ♍ăΰ...sesungguhnya ku tak pernah rela, karenaku Ɣªήğ bisa membuat hatimu utuh:)
Tiffany_SueAnn @Tiffany_SueAnn
@Rio__7 Virgo
ThisNiggaJy @ThisNiggaJy
oceangt @oceangt
Page 183 of 366: Wow!!! 183 more days to go #ThankYouLordJesus for how far You've brought ε̲.
01 Jul 12 copy & paste +upvote -downvote Page 183 of 366: Wow!!! 183 more days to go #ThankYouLordJesus for how far You've brought ♍ε̲.
1stSexyRed @1stSexyRed
RT @VirgoTerms: #Virgo have excellent memories & analytical minds. They're known for their crystal-clear thinking
07 Jul 12 copy & paste +upvote -downvote RT @VirgoTerms: #Virgo have excellent memories & analytical minds. They're known for their crystal-clear thinking ♍
Barb_Marleyy @Barb_Marleyy
RT @brooklynbound19: #Virgo's will fuck you right..
13 Jul 12 copy & paste +upvote -downvote RT @brooklynbound19: #Virgo's will fuck you right..♍
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