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Chronological Emojitweets

Woman Tipping Hand 120

KylaaBoo @KylaaBoo
This Emoji >>>
08 Jul 12 copy & paste +upvote -downvote This Emoji πŸ’πŸ’πŸ’ >>>
JasmineeeSayss @JasmineeeSayss
RT @RuffDaddyFlex: @JasmineeeSayss goodnight , keep ya head up
08 Jul 12 copy & paste +upvote -downvote RT @RuffDaddyFlex: @JasmineeeSayss goodnight , keep ya head up πŸ’πŸ˜
TeeWhyCee @TeeWhyCee
<------my favorite emoji
08 Jul 12 copy & paste +upvote -downvote πŸ’&lt;------my favorite emoji 😜
BeautyIsMarieee @BeautyIsMarieee
I don't know but this was my night I guess
08 Jul 12 copy & paste +upvote -downvote I don't know but this was my night I guess πŸ’
LoveyayaduH @LoveyayaduH
We gotta ask ourselves, are we living or are we existing?!?!?!? And baybeeh iWanna live
08 Jul 12 copy & paste +upvote -downvote We gotta ask ourselves, are we living or are we existing?!?!?!? And baybeeh iWanna live πŸ’πŸ˜πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜
Rodneeeeey_ @Rodneeeeey_
RT @_Tremendous: Oh that's yo girl? might catch me with the same bitch
08 Jul 12 copy & paste +upvote -downvote RT @_Tremendous: Oh that's yo girl? might catch me with the same bitch πŸ’
_jencess @_jencess
@Chan_thefireman @torimarie_xo don't be jealous that no one besides you laughs at your jokes. PS notice the emoji with the crown was used
08 Jul 12 copy & paste +upvote -downvote @Chan_thefireman @torimarie_xo don't be jealous that no one besides you laughs at your jokes. PS notice the emoji with the crown was usedπŸ’
k_duplantis @k_duplantis
Emoji Needs 1. A girl shakin her ass, 2. The middle finger, 3.probably a lil cute cartoon picture of me cause this ain't cuttin it!
09 Jul 12 copy & paste +upvote -downvote Emoji Needs 1. A girl shakin her ass, 2. The middle finger, 3.probably a lil cute cartoon picture of me cause thisπŸ’ ain't cuttin it!
myEmoji @myEmoji
Penachos_5 @Penachos_5
RT @jayyyvee_: Frank ocean still my nigga!
I gives a fuck if he's gay.. He still the same damn person.
Fuck haters
09 Jul 12 copy & paste +upvote -downvote RT @jayyyvee_: Frank ocean still my nigga! I gives a fuck if he's gay.. He still the same damn person. Fuck haters πŸ’
smcclureee @smcclureee
My boyfriend just hit me with the emoji lmao
09 Jul 12 copy & paste +upvote -downvote My boyfriend just hit me with the πŸ’ emoji lmao
Simple_Beautyx @Simple_Beautyx
Day 8: hair straight & natural
08 Jul 12 copy & paste +upvote -downvote Day 8: hair  straight &amp; natural 
myEmoji @myEmoji
ADayInMyHeels @ADayInMyHeels
If you don't have emoji's we can't be friends. I need them to communicate
09 Jul 12 copy & paste +upvote -downvote If you don't have emoji's we can't be friends. I need them to communicate πŸ’
_69MyBlunt @_69MyBlunt
RT @JDix_: I'm in love w/ a stripper.
09 Jul 12 copy & paste +upvote -downvote RT @JDix_: I'm in love w/ a stripper. πŸ’
The_King_Louis @The_King_Louis
RT @SKaegan: when people call me a bitch.. I'm like dude that doesn't hurt, it's a compliment *lol it wasn't suppose to hurt lameass
08 Jul 12 copy & paste +upvote -downvote RT @SKaegan: when people call me a bitch.. I'm like dude that doesn't hurt, it's a compliment πŸ’ *lol it wasn't suppose to hurt lameass
JuiceLeroy @JuiceLeroy
Nah this is ---> RT @texdidit: <--hands down the worst emoji
09 Jul 12 copy & paste +upvote -downvote Nah this is ---&gt; πŸ’ RT @texdidit: 😜&lt;--hands down the worst emoji
Allergic2__Love @Allergic2__Love
@Aye_CabsAHere were my ol at???? She's Gone lmao
09 Jul 12 copy & paste +upvote -downvote @Aye_CabsAHere were my ol  at???? She's Gone ξ„•ξ„•ξ„•ξ„• lmao
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Like Woman Tipping Hand Chronological Emojitweets 120?

Smileys & People Category: The Emoticon Category! Smileys, faces, person bowing deeply, man with red face, hearts, hand gestures. Happy. Previous category name: Smileys. View the gallery.

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