Do you use PostFX in #EscapefromTarkov ? Feel free to post your settings below if you’d like to share them with the community
08 Dec 22copy & paste+upvote-downvoteDo you use PostFX in #EscapefromTarkov ? Feel free to post your settings below if you’d like to share them with the community ❤️
“@_lexiemichelee: @MariaCabayubi you know how slow I am Maria. But it looks really good”hah I know this. But thank youuu
14 Jan 13copy & paste+upvote-downvote“@_lexiemichelee: @MariaCabayubi you know how slow I am Maria. But it looks really good😍😘👏💖”hah I know this. But thank youuu ☺😚💜💜