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🐰 and 🐢 Once upon the time there was a 🐢 and 🐢. One day 🐰 said to the 🐢: did you want to race running? The 🐢 said: yes. The next morning, 🐰 and 🐢 were racing at the field. The 🐒 said: Ready, Set, Go! The 🐰 run to the first and the 🐢 run. Later the 🐰 was at first. The 🐰 was lazy and he think the 🐢 is at the last so he 💤 near the 🌳. When the 🐢 see the 🐰 the 🐢 go and the 🐰 wake up and run he see the 🐢 and the 🐢 win. THE END
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