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So I have a fish 🐠..... I've had him since 2006... He's about the size of a hand 🖐 for scale. It's 45 gallons. I had more way back when but he won in the end... He doesn't really have a name... But he is like a dog.. I sometimes call him "Wabu Wabu".. Idfk, pet name, don't ask 😂... I'm also an amateur bongo player.. As in, I just pick it up from time and time and beat along to something... Lately I play the fish a short song when I go in to see him. My 13 yr old "dog" (you know they're rly human, so I hate to even type it.. But for simplicity) passed last March.... It was sort of sudden. We were bound at the hip. I still feel her presence. I still talk to her and joke around with her. We "talked" a lot. 😂 😂 So, the fish has been getting some extra love..... So here's Wabu Wabu and me banging on the bongos a little tune 🎶 for him earlier... 😂 😂 😂
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