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The retell is that once there was some fifth graders.👩👱 They're names are Jessica👩, Alexia👩,Luke👱,Peter👱,Danielle👩,Anna👩 and Jeffrey👱. And they were playing out side in the snow and peter had a very packed ❄️ball and he was getting pushed and he through the ❄️ball and it hit Mr.👨 and next thing you now is that he is in a coma and everybody👬👭 is 😲😵scared!!!!!! They all mostly visited him and they all were scared that he was going to 🤕😷😵 and maybe die. Then he came back and everybody was very very 😃😄😺😸🙀😳😵 happy and surprised!!!! He told the students that they were going to loop and they were all 😄😃😀😅😳😳
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