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To be🐝 fair⚖️, you have to have a ↗️very📈 high🎓 IQ📐📚📖 to understand 🤔🤔🤔 Rick🥃 and Morty👦. The humor🤣😂 is ↗️extremely📈 subtle😏, and 🤷♀️without🤷♂️ a 🏛️solid🏛️ grasp✊ of 📐theoretical👨🏫 physics🤹 most of the 🤡jokes will go ↗️over a 👱typical👱♀️ viewer's head↘️. There's also 🥃Rick's🎓 nihilistic💀 outlook👀, which is 🎻deftly woven⛓ into⤵️ his characterisation🕺 - his ☝️personal 👨🎓philosophy draws✏️ heavily⚖️ from 🇷🇺👨👩👧👦Narodnaya Volya👨👩👧👦🇷🇺 literature📚📖, for instance. The 🌬fans 🤔understand🤔 this stuff🗑; they have the 🎓intellectual 📏capacity📐 to truly💡 appreciate👍 the depths⬇️🕳⬇️ of these 🤡jokes, to 🤔🤔🤔realize that they're 🚫not🚫 just funny🤣😂- they say💬 something ⬇️🕳⬇️deep about 🌱LIFE🌱. As a 😬consequence 👨👩👧👦people who 🤢dislike😷 Rick🥃 and Morty👦 truly ARE 💩idiots- of course they 🚫wouldn't 💕appreciate, for instance, the 🤣😂humour in 🥃Rick's🎓 💔existencial🕳 catchphrase "🐣Wubba🐦Lubba🦆Dub🦉Dub," which ➡️itself‼️⬅️ is a 🗝🔍cryptic🔎 reference to 🇷🇺📚Turgenev's 🇷🇺Russian 📖epic 👨👨👦👦Fathers👨👨👦and👨👨👦Sons👨👨👦👦 I'm smirking😏😏😏 right⏱ now⏰ just 💭imagining one1️⃣ of those 💩addlepated💩simpletons💩 scratching🤔 their heads👥 in 🤷♂️confusion🤷♀️ as Dan💪Harmon's 🎓🎓genius🎓🎓 unfolds🎞 ➡️itself⬅️ on their 🖥television 💻screens. What 🤡fools... how 🎁I pity😪 them. 😂 And yes✔️ by the ⛔️way, I DO have a Rick🥃 and Morty👦 tattoo👀. And 🚫no🚫, you 🚫cannot🚫 see👀 it🚫. It's for the 🤦♀️ladies' 👀eyes🤦♀️ only- And➕ even 👯they💃 have to 📐📚📖demonstrate that 👯they're💃 within 5 IQ📐📚📖 points of ☝️my own (🙏preferably🙏 lower⬇️) 🅱️4️⃣beforehand🖐.
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