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Once upon a ⌛️ ⬇️ was a 👨 named ⚡️ . Everybody hated ⚡️ . One day ⚡️was 🏃🏻 out of🏡.⚡️ was so😞 .⚡️ did not know what to do. ⚡️slept outside of his 🏡 .⚡️ went to⛪️ to 🙏 .⚡️ said "Please help me god." ⚡️ went out of ⛪️ . ⚡️slept outside of ⛪️ . When ⚡️wake up ⚡️saw 💵 on the ground. Some people think ⚡️ was beager so they give 💵 . ⚡️ collected 💵 and went into the 🏡 and said to his 👩🏻"Help Meeee!I will not make 👩😞. ⚡️👩🏻 took him home.
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