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👥👈 = number 1️⃣ but imagine screen ➗ into 2 halves, left ➕ right. Every 1️⃣ rotates left half anticlockwise by 9 degrees, ➕ rotates right 1️⃣ clockwise by 9 degrees. axis of rotation for both halves = centre of screen, 🚫 centre of halves! This = very ⚠️. triangular gap that opens 📈 = filled with footage of 2 👨👨 😘, but every ⏳ Robbie starts a sentence, speed of 😘 footage increases by 5%. When 2 halves overlap, 👉👥 can both be seen with 50% transparency. Whenever 📷 changes to a 🆕 scene or shot, audio from left half lowers in pitch by 3% ➕ right half toggles mirroring. branch 👣 causes both halves to do a 360 degree rotation. word 'net' = so 🔊 it makes right half permanently pixelated. Whenever Robbie = 💢, left side of screen zooms into dat boi, ➕ audio from right side = bass boosted by 1000000%. Dat boi has creaky sound effects when 👉️👨 🚴. instrumental at start = replaced with Michael Rosen 👄 noice, distorted until barely recognisable. In addition, whole 📺 gets gradually more visually distorted. Then this whole experience 🎭 twice, second ⏳ in reverse ➕ at 8x speed.
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