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π±π» π£ let's get out of this π π out of the city Away from the crowds I π heaven can't help me now Nothing lasts ππ» But this is gonna take me ππ» He's so tall, and π±π» as hell He's so ππ» but he does it so ππ» I can π the end as it begins, my 1β£ condition is π£ you'll ππ» me Standing in a ππ» π, staring at the π, babe π and rosy cheeks π£ you'll π me again even if it's just in your wildest π Wildest π I π£ "No one has to know what we do," His βπ» are in my ππ», his π are in my room And his π is a familiar π, nothing lasts ππ»π But this is getting ππ» now He's so tall, and π±π» as hell He's so ππ» but he does it so ππ» And when we've had our very last π My last request is π£ you'll remember me Standing in a nice π, staring at the π , babe π and rosy cheeks π£ you'll π me again even if it's just in your wildest π Wildest π You π me in hindsight Tangled up with you all π Burnin' it ππ» Some day when you πΆπ» me I bet these memories follow you around You see me in hindsight Tangled up with you all π Burnin' it ππ» Some day when you πΆπ» me I bet these memories follow you around π£ you'll ππ» me Standing in a nice π, staring at the π , babe π and rosy cheeks π£ you'll π me again even if it's just pretend π£ you'll ππ» me Standing in a nice π, staring at the π babe πand rosy cheeks π£ you'll π me again even if it's just in your wildest π In your wildest π Even if it's just in your wildest π In your wildest π
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