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me 2014-09-05 03:18:26 Do you want it bc youre && im the 😹😹 awe much care, lotz privlage 😆😋 "Sangrita (>^ω^<).2014-09-05 03:35:29 Yep your exactly right 😊😝 much feelings such care 🐺 and yes we shall decide the next time 😁📱📝 and I'm sure I'll be up so I'll come pick you up 🚙🏃💃 oh and we might go bowling tomorrow if you want 🎳 me 2014-09-05 04:47:40 😆 && yasss! I think fits you nice 😼 and whooo-hooo and bowling is 🚫🎳 but I can deal just to chill ❄❄😋 me 2014-09-05 04:49:07 You always one up me but I think its friggin hilarious so 😻🙋🙋 me 2014-09-05 04:49:24 Opps! Wrong cat face :b *😸 "Sangrita (>^ω^<).2014-09-05 04:51:41 We can talk more in a sec when I pick you up it'll be awesome lol 👍💬🚶💃 me 2014-09-08 18:35:43 🎮🎮👹💥 I need it. I really want it. I gotta have it. i dont want it to end 🔚🔜🙀😅🙊 me 2014-09-09 21:19:31 Come to my work && sing me a song 🙋🙋 "Sangrita (>^ω^<).2014-09-09 21:21:33 Oh my god I so would but I can't cause I'm at work also! 😭👎 me 2014-09-09 21:27:14 Awe mane! I thought fah'sho I could count on you of all people for a chippy tune "Sangrita (>^ω^<).2014-09-09 21:37:01 🎼🎶My milkshake brings all the boys to the yard, and there a like it's better than yours, damn right it's better than yours!🎶🎼 me 2014-09-10 00:53:56 Awe, you always bring all the boys the yard 🏡 'tis not fair 😆😋
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