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🍽️👋🏻Spanksgiving✊🌽💦🦃 is right👀 around↪️ the corner📐 you dirty😌 slut😈 R u👉 a sexy lil pilgrim?👩🌾 or a naked😏 american💃? This 🤤Spanksgiving 🥐 make sure☝️ you stuff 🥊that 😰pussy🙀 right full like a phat 😋pumpkin🎃 cream 🎉 pie 🍯slut with lots 🙌 of whipped 👋 cream💦. Naked 😏 American🦅 sluts🙆🏼 make sure 👉you give 🤝that turkey🦃 a good😘 ol’ jerky✊ and get ready 🏋️ to give🤗 OR receive😌 a big💪 sloppy🌊 thanks! Send this text 📲 to the ten🔟 baby gravy 👶☕ sluts you're most 😍thankful 👍for! If you 💪 gain 10 🔟 pounds🥘 getting stuffed 👉 you are 👆 one BADDD 😵 stuffer. If you gain 20 2️⃣0️⃣ pounds you are a 👴COLONIAL 🌽 CORN 🌽 CREAMER 🌽🥛 and if you gained thirty 3️⃣0️⃣ 🎁pretty💕 pounds you are the 😨BIG 👸THOT🐷 PIGGY💋 at this 👌year's dinner!
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