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Hey Georgie😊, Ik you have probably moved on🏃💨, but I just want you to know: That I wish that we were best friends👯. Anna and Holly both don't deserve you😠; I do.💖 You were here to support me, and always listened to me, but now we are just internet acquaintances🌐. I wish we never argued🐵. We would've been super close❤ and I would never feel sad😿💕. I know that we can never be friends again, but I am hoping we could at least try and talk to each other in real life😁. ilysm😭 (as a friend ofc) and I just wish you would notice my cries😢. You still mean a lot to me, even if you have forgot all about me. You still da real MVP tho💙💯👊
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