Emoji Information
Keycap: 7

Symbols Category

Keycap: 7

Tecla 7

A blue button with the text '7' on it.

Emoji History The emoji code/ image log of changes.

  1. This emoji was part of the proprietary / non-standardized emoji set first introduced by Japanese carriers like Softbank. These emojis became part of the Apple iPhone starting in iOS 2.2 as an unlockable feature on handsets sold in English speaking countries.
  2. In iOS 5 / OSX 10.7, the underlying code that the Apple OS generates for this emoji was changed.

Emoji General Information

Twitter Emoji Popularity (Rank) 958 of 2393
Apple/iOS Picture
Google Android Picture
Google Hangouts Picture
Twitter.com Picture
LG Emoji Picture
Samsung Emoji Picture
Phantom Open Emoji Picture Not created yet
ASCII Conversion
"Short Code" Name :seven:
Previous Names: Keycap 7

Blue Square Button Seven

Unicode Category Information

Unicode Category Miscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs
Unicode Range 1F300–1F5FF
Unicode Subcategory Enclosed Alphanumeric Symbols

Proposed Unicode Information & Notes

Unicode Category Activities/work/entertainment
Unicode Subcategory Enclosed Alphanumeric Symbols
Names & Annotations KEYCAP 7 Temporary Notes: Unify with ASCII 7 (U+0037) + (U+20E3)
Symbol Information 7⃣ U+0037 U+20E3 unified (Unicode 3.0)
Proposal Identifier e-834

Character Mapping/Crosswalk Notes

DoCoMo  #131 '7' 7 U+E6E8 SJIS-F98D JIS-7725
KDDI  #186 四角数字7 U+E528 SJIS-F744 JIS-7725
Softbank  #399 #old214 7 U+E222 SJIS-F7C2

Emoji Character Encoding Data

Emoji Code Version iOS 4 Code
UTF-8 Unicode Character(s)
UTF-8 Character Count 1
Character(s) In Input
AppleColorEmoji Font (available in OSX/iOS)
Decimal HTML Entity 
Hexadecimal HTML Entity 
Hex Code Point(s) e222
Formal Unicode Notation U+E222
Decimal Code Point(s) 57890
UTF-8 Hex (C Syntax) 0xEE 0x88 0xA2
UTF-8 Hex Bytes EE 88 A2
UTF-8 Octal Bytes 356 210 242
UTF-16 Hex (C Syntax) 0xE222
UTF-16 Hex e222
UTF-16 Dec 57890
UTF-32 Hex (C Syntax) 0x0000E222
UTF-32 Hex E222
UTF-32 Dec 57890
Python Src u"\uE222"
PHP Src "\xee\x88\xa2"
C/C++/Java Src "\uE222"
Emoji Code Version iOS 5 Code
UTF-8 Unicode Character(s) 7⃣
UTF-8 Character Count 2
Character(s) In Input
AppleColorEmoji Font (available in OSX/iOS) 7⃣
Decimal HTML Entity 7 ⃣
Hexadecimal HTML Entity 7 ⃣
Hex Code Point(s) 37, 20e3
Formal Unicode Notation U+37, U+20E3
Decimal Code Point(s) 55, 8419
UTF-8 Hex (C Syntax) 0x37, 0xE2 0x83 0xA3
UTF-8 Hex Bytes 37, E2 83 A3
UTF-8 Octal Bytes 67, 342 203 243
UTF-16 Hex (C Syntax) 0x0037, 0x20E3
UTF-16 Hex 0037, 20e3
UTF-16 Dec 55, 8419
UTF-32 Hex (C Syntax) 0x00000037 0x000020E3
UTF-32 Hex 37, 20E3
UTF-32 Dec 55, 8419
Python Src u"\u0037\u20E3"
PHP Src "\x37\xe2\x83\xa3"
C/C++/Java Src "\u0037\u20E3"
Emoji Code Version iOS 9 - Current
UTF-8 Unicode Character(s) 7️⃣
UTF-8 Character Count 3
Character(s) In Input
AppleColorEmoji Font (available in OSX/iOS) 7️⃣
Decimal HTML Entity 7 ️ ⃣
Hexadecimal HTML Entity 7 ️ ⃣
Hex Code Point(s) 37, fe0f, 20e3
Formal Unicode Notation U+37, U+FE0F, U+20E3
Decimal Code Point(s) 55, 65039, 8419
UTF-8 Hex (C Syntax) 0x37, 0xEF 0xB8 0x8F, 0xE2 0x83 0xA3
UTF-8 Hex Bytes 37, EF B8 8F, E2 83 A3
UTF-8 Octal Bytes 67, 357 270 217, 342 203 243
UTF-16 Hex (C Syntax) 0x0037, 0xFE0F, 0x20E3
UTF-16 Hex 0037, fe0f, 20e3
UTF-16 Dec 55, 65039, 8419
UTF-32 Hex (C Syntax) 0x00000037 0x0000FE0F 0x000020E3
UTF-32 Hex 37, FE0F, 20E3
UTF-32 Dec 55, 65039, 8419
Python Src u"\u0037\uFE0F\u20E3"
PHP Src "\x37\xef\xb8\x8f\xe2\x83\xa3"
C/C++/Java Src "\u0037\uFE0F\u20E3"

Emoji Character Encoding Data (equivalent or similiar)

Emoji EncodingDoCoMoKDDIGoogle
UTF-8 Unicode Character(s)󾠴
UTF-8 Character Count111
Character(s) In Input
Decimal HTML Entity󾠴
Hexadecimal HTML Entity󾠴
Hex Code Point(s)e6e8e528fe834
Formal Unicode NotationU+E6E8U+E528U+FE834
Decimal Code Point(s)59112586641042484
UTF-8 Hex (C Syntax)0xEE 0x9B 0xA80xEE 0x94 0xA80xF3 0xBE 0xA0 0xB4
UTF-8 Hex BytesEE 9B A8EE 94 A8F3 BE A0 B4
UTF-8 Octal Bytes356 233 250356 224 250363 276 240 264
UTF-16 Hex (C Syntax)0xE6E80xE5280xDBBA 0xDC34
UTF-16 Hexe6e8e528dbbadc34
UTF-16 Dec591125866456250 56372
UTF-32 Hex (C Syntax)0x0000E6E80x0000E5280x000FE834
UTF-32 HexE6E8E5280FE834
UTF-32 Dec59112586641042484
Python Srcu"\uE6E8"u"\uE528"u"\U000FE834"
PHP Src"\xee\x9b\xa8""\xee\x94\xa8""\xf3\xbe\xa0\xb4"
C/C++/Java Src"\uE6E8""\uE528""\uDBBA\uDC34"

Copy & Paste Codes
