Emoji Information
Ear of Corn

Food & Drink Category

Ear of Corn


Maize is synonymous with the name corn (they mean the same thing). An ear of maize has many seeds (kernels) that people eat. Typically boiled or steamed and covered in butter, salt and pepper before being eaten with the front of the teeth. The kernels can be dried, removed and heated to create popcorn.

Emoji History The emoji code/ image log of changes.

  1. This emoji first appeared in OSX / iOS after the iOS 5 update.

Emoji General Information

Twitter Emoji Popularity (Rank) 484 of 2393
Apple/iOS Picture
Google Android Picture
Google Hangouts Picture
Twitter.com Picture
LG Emoji Picture
Samsung Emoji Picture
Phantom Open Emoji Picture Not created yet
ASCII Conversion
"Short Code" Name :corn:
Keywords Corn, Maize, Food, Iowa, Kernel, Popcorn, Husk, Yellow, Stalk, Cob, Ear
Previous Names: Ear of Maize

Unicode Category Information

Unicode Category Miscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs
Unicode Range 1F300–1F5FF
Unicode Subcategory Plant Symbols

Proposed Unicode Information & Notes

Unicode Category Nature
Unicode Subcategory Plant Symbols
Names & Annotations EAR OF MAIZE
Symbol Information U+1F33D proposed
Proposal Identifier e-04A

Character Mapping/Crosswalk Notes

DoCoMo [とうもろこし]
KDDI Β #740 とうもろこし γ€Œtoumorokoshi」 U+EB36 SJIS-F3F7 JIS-7A79
Softbank [とうもろこし]

Emoji Character Encoding Data

Emoji Code Version iOS 5 - Current
UTF-8 Unicode Character(s) 🌽
UTF-8 Character Count 1
Character(s) In Input
AppleColorEmoji Font (available in OSX/iOS) 🌽
Decimal HTML Entity 🌽
Hexadecimal HTML Entity 🌽
Hex Code Point(s) 1f33d
Formal Unicode Notation U+1F33D
Decimal Code Point(s) 127805
UTF-8 Hex (C Syntax) 0xF0 0x9F 0x8C 0xBD
UTF-8 Hex Bytes F0 9F 8C BD
UTF-8 Octal Bytes 360 237 214 275
UTF-16 Hex (C Syntax) 0xD83C 0xDF3D
UTF-16 Hex d83cdf3d
UTF-16 Dec 55356 57149
UTF-32 Hex (C Syntax) 0x0001F33D
UTF-32 Hex 01F33D
UTF-32 Dec 127805
Python Src u"\U0001F33D"
PHP Src "\xf0\x9f\x8c\xbd"
C/C++/Java Src "\uD83C\uDF3D"

Emoji Character Encoding Data (equivalent or similiar)

Emoji EncodingKDDIGoogle
UTF-8 Unicode Character(s)󾁊
UTF-8 Character Count11
Character(s) In Input
Decimal HTML Entity󾁊
Hexadecimal HTML Entity󾁊
Hex Code Point(s)eb36fe04a
Formal Unicode NotationU+EB36U+FE04A
Decimal Code Point(s)602141040458
UTF-8 Hex (C Syntax)0xEE 0xAC 0xB60xF3 0xBE 0x81 0x8A
UTF-8 Hex BytesEE AC B6F3 BE 81 8A
UTF-8 Octal Bytes356 254 266363 276 201 212
UTF-16 Hex (C Syntax)0xEB360xDBB8 0xDC4A
UTF-16 Hexeb36dbb8dc4a
UTF-16 Dec6021456248 56394
UTF-32 Hex (C Syntax)0x0000EB360x000FE04A
UTF-32 HexEB360FE04A
UTF-32 Dec602141040458
Python Srcu"\uEB36"u"\U000FE04A"
PHP Src"\xee\xac\xb6""\xf3\xbe\x81\x8a"
C/C++/Java Src"\uEB36""\uDBB8\uDC4A"

Copy & Paste Codes
