Emoji Information
Bright Button

Symbols Category

Bright Button

Símbolo de luz brillante

→ 2600 ☀  black sun with rays → 263C ☼  white sun with rays → 26ED ⛭  gear without hub

A symbol generally used as an icon on a software user interface to increase the brightness of the connected display, such as a mobile phone or computer monitor. More bright. Also used to represent the sun, sunshine and warmth. Rays of sunlight.

Emoji History The emoji code/ image log of changes.

  1. This emoji first appeared in OSX / iOS after the iOS 5 update.

Emoji General Information

Twitter Emoji Popularity (Rank) 896 of 2393
Apple/iOS Picture
Google Android Picture
Google Hangouts Picture
Twitter.com Picture
LG Emoji Picture
Samsung Emoji Picture
Phantom Open Emoji Picture Not created yet
ASCII Conversion
"Short Code" Name :high_brightness:
Keywords Summer
Previous Names: High Brightness Symbol

Unicode Category Information

Unicode Category Miscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs
Unicode Range 1F300–1F5FF
Unicode Subcategory User Interface Symbols

Emoji Character Encoding Data

Emoji Code Version iOS 5 - Current
UTF-8 Unicode Character(s) 🔆
UTF-8 Character Count 1
Character(s) In Input
AppleColorEmoji Font (available in OSX/iOS) 🔆
Decimal HTML Entity 🔆
Hexadecimal HTML Entity 🔆
Hex Code Point(s) 1f506
Formal Unicode Notation U+1F506
Decimal Code Point(s) 128262
UTF-8 Hex (C Syntax) 0xF0 0x9F 0x94 0x86
UTF-8 Hex Bytes F0 9F 94 86
UTF-8 Octal Bytes 360 237 224 206
UTF-16 Hex (C Syntax) 0xD83D 0xDD06
UTF-16 Hex d83ddd06
UTF-16 Dec 55357 56582
UTF-32 Hex (C Syntax) 0x0001F506
UTF-32 Hex 01F506
UTF-32 Dec 128262
Python Src u"\U0001F506"
PHP Src "\xf0\x9f\x94\x86"
C/C++/Java Src "\uD83D\uDD06"

Copy & Paste Codes
