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Clown Face 3468

also, currently i cant draw without pose references, even simple stand seems too hard to draw from imagination
27 May 20 copy & paste +upvote -downvote also, currently i cant draw without pose references, even simple stand seems too hard to draw from imagination 🤡
syiqinali @syiqinali2
we all tried to push down every color at once
Retweet of status by @azrazmann
26 May 20 copy & paste +upvote -downvote we all tried to push down every color at once🤡🤡
Mimou 🇩🇿 @kennisthename
I hate it here…
Retweet of status by @erion_jordan
27 May 20 copy & paste +upvote -downvote I hate it here 🤡
evelyn @Eveliin_Gee
try crack before you try me bitch
Retweet of status by @jalisitaa
23 May 20 copy & paste +upvote -downvote try crack before you try me bitch🤡
v a l e r i e @_vpolinko
i really don’t be wasting my time on no one anymore. i don’t have the patience nor do i have the will to be bothered/let down
26 May 20 copy & paste +upvote -downvote i really don’t be wasting my time on no one anymore. i don’t have the patience nor do i have the will to be bothered/let down 🤡
ariesha @ArieshaBalqis_
cant believe i used to think id be married by 25 lmaooooo
Retweet of status by @FarahARoslan
27 May 20 copy & paste +upvote -downvote cant believe i used to think id be married by 25 lmaooooo 🤡
syd @asydicbij
im sick of this country not recognizing professional qualifications courses for what it is and no, we’re not “sijil”
27 May 20 copy & paste +upvote -downvote im sick of this country not recognizing professional qualifications courses for what it is 🤡🤡 and no, we’re not “sijil”
, @sullyvien
23 May 20 copy & paste +upvote -downvote Ahh our closest match is Japan 🤡 #MassTestingNowPH source:
awelsar 🌺 @Elloy_Vera
Bitches want a really nice body but are too lazy to actually work for it. It’s me, I’m bitches
Retweet of status by @_jxada
23 May 20 copy & paste +upvote -downvote Bitches want a really nice body but are too lazy to actually work for it. It’s me, I’m bitches 🤡
jeryl sarte @juhreel
after watching too many of these, i gave in
24 May 20 copy & paste +upvote -downvote after watching too many of these, i gave in 🤡
حاجرہ 🌻 @TheShyWeirdo
okay, now i am gonna be sed for another 15262662627828 days.
27 May 20 copy & paste +upvote -downvote okay, now i am gonna be sed for another 15262662627828 days. 🤡
hayley @moanbyuls
if you get a message saying "mamamoo nudes" do not open it. it is a virus that puts a clown after every word
Retweet of status by @Y0NGSUNYEBA
27 May 20 copy & paste +upvote -downvote if 🤡you 🤡get🤡 a 🤡message 🤡saying🤡 "mamamoo🤡 nudes" 🤡do 🤡not 🤡open🤡 it. 🤡it 🤡is 🤡a 🤡virus 🤡that 🤡puts 🤡 a 🤡clown 🤡after 🤡 every 🤡word 🤡
Liam @lic4rdi
Is I rlly gon keep shooting ? Yes I will
Retweet of status by @saint_welch
24 May 20 copy & paste +upvote -downvote Is I rlly gon keep shooting ? Yes I will🤡
amanda huynh @AHuynhArts
@guacamomole LMAO cflfakf this is all im going to hear whenever i draw gore now
27 May 20 copy & paste +upvote -downvote @guacamomole LMAO cflfakf this is all im going to hear whenever i draw gore now 🤡
so our gc did the lyrics challenge with daechwita and we
Retweet of status by @K00KLEGEND
26 May 20 copy & paste +upvote -downvote so our gc did the lyrics challenge with daechwita and we 🤡
__—PleAsE stAnD By—__ @Lunar_Nightfall
@ToxiicWxlf Now thats what we call a move.
27 May 20 copy & paste +upvote -downvote @ToxiicWxlf Now thats what we call a 🤡move.
alex ♡ 형석 @loeymoonlight
I asked him where in the world he wants to go and he fucking chose wooyoung’s house he’s a whole clown

also he m……
Retweet of status by @minguini_
27 May 20 copy & paste +upvote -downvote I asked him where in the world he wants to go and he fucking chose wooyoung’s house he’s a whole clown 🤡 also he m…
Shari @jdhlsc169
If it wasn't for your 1st wife @therealroseanne.... no one would give two shits about you.…
Retweet of status by @ScottBaio
25 May 20 copy & paste +upvote -downvote If it wasn't for your 1st wife @therealroseanne.... no one would give two shits about you. 🤡
Jo @Joachimehis
@__abeesola @LexiiLuve Love this. Don't why people out here thinking sex should last forever. Put in a good 2 minutes and be done
26 May 20 copy & paste +upvote -downvote @__abeesola @LexiiLuve Love this. Don't why people out here thinking sex should last forever. Put in a good 2 minutes and be done 🤡
F. Fullilove, Ph.D. @FAF_TheChemist
T***p tweets like a club promoter. Lots of exclamation points.
25 May 20 copy & paste +upvote -downvote T***p 🤡 tweets like a club promoter. Lots of exclamation points.
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Smileys & People Category: The Emoticon Category! Smileys, faces, person bowing deeply, man with red face, hearts, hand gestures. Happy. Previous category name: Smileys. View the gallery.

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