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Persevering Face 10463

Holdit πŸ”ž @holdit247
Have to drink a litre of water before my ultrasound and I'm not allowed to wee
Retweet of status by @Shaeyaleigh
13 Apr 17 copy & paste +upvote -downvote Have to drink a litre of water before my ultrasound and I'm not allowed to wee 😣
Hailey Andrus @HaileyNicoleAnd
Whooooo let me cut my hair
Retweet of status by @iiikatie
12 Apr 17 copy & paste +upvote -downvote Whooooo let me cut my hair 😣
christiane @christianelele
So sad I don't know a single person on the 231 basketball team.
10 Apr 17 copy & paste +upvote -downvote So sad I don't know a single person on the 231 basketball team. 😣
Neek ❀ @lovemy_LAKERS
So ready to eat
13 Apr 17 copy & paste +upvote -downvote So ready to eat 😣
icey @Itsiceyy07
Why can't I fucking sleep at night
Retweet of status by @goodvibes_kylei
13 Apr 17 copy & paste +upvote -downvote Why can't I fucking sleep at night 😣
Kira Lee @_kiralee_
I could literally always eat
Retweet of status by @_itsMeechyHoe
13 Apr 17 copy & paste +upvote -downvote I could literally always eat πŸ˜£πŸ’
†.. claire @ClairemenziesKK
My biggest fear is growing up , getting married n having kids etc n then ur partner turning around 1day nd saying they don't love u anymore
Retweet of status by @xTashaAndersonx
12 Apr 17 copy & paste +upvote -downvote My biggest fear is growing up , getting married n having kids etc n then ur partner turning around 1day nd saying they don't love u anymore😣
OfficialBG2187β„’ @GOOGLEWEDAT187
I fucked so many niggas hoes I can't even trust mine
Retweet of status by @RugaDatt2187
10 Apr 17 copy & paste +upvote -downvote I fucked so many niggas hoes I can't even trust mine πŸ˜£πŸ€”
Mariah Carrie @allAboutMC
Something's I wish I could erase from my mind. The flash backs hunt me
13 Apr 17 copy & paste +upvote -downvote Something's I wish I could erase from my mind. The flash backs hunt me 😣
jenny from the block @jennyminaj123
Seems like there are so many friendships based around liquor and gossip now a days
Retweet of status by @tyy_swae
13 Apr 17 copy & paste +upvote -downvote Seems like there are so many friendships based around liquor and gossip now a days 😣
Chloe Keating @chloekeating
Get out has ruined me haven't slept a wink
13 Apr 17 copy & paste +upvote -downvote Get out has ruined me haven't slept a wink😣😣
Sabrina Ana Maria @sabrimelgarejo
Genuinely think that everything happens for a reason but it's so painful waiting to find out what that reason was
08 Apr 17 copy & paste +upvote -downvote Genuinely think that everything happens for a reason but it's so painful waiting to find out what that reason was 😣😩
Obsolesence @Obsolesence
Why, whenever I go and talk to female #STEM students are there *always* loads of Chemical Eng students but no Elec Eng students?
12 Apr 17 copy & paste +upvote -downvote Why, whenever I go and talk to female #STEM students are there *always* loads of Chemical Eng students but no Elec Eng students? 😣
kieron wright @WrightKieron
I actually cannot bring myself to revise
Retweet of status by @Kaceyrealf_pd
12 Apr 17 copy & paste +upvote -downvote I actually cannot bring myself to revise😣
β€”βœΏ ; @chubbylenee
i'll much rather be told "i don't wanna fw you" than to be played w/. at least i can respect you as a real one.
Retweet of status by @medzzzx
13 Apr 17 copy & paste +upvote -downvote i'll much rather be told "i don't wanna fw you" than to be played w/. at least i can respect you as a real one.πŸ˜£πŸ˜’
Taylor Anissaβ₯ @Love_Pinkk13
In the mood to disconnect from the world
13 Apr 17 copy & paste +upvote -downvote In the mood to disconnect from the world😣
isla ✨ @isla_leigh
honestly do not want to even think about having to wear a bikini in 2 months time
Retweet of status by @stephaniaadam
14 Apr 17 copy & paste +upvote -downvote honestly do not want to even think about having to wear a bikini in 2 months time 😣😣😣😣😣
Brittney Porter @porter_brittney
Retweet of status by @t_flynn1995
06 Apr 17 copy & paste +upvote -downvote IT'S SPRING!! WHY IS IT RAINING!?! 😣
πŸ™‚ @Arshaunaaaa
Stop running from everything that's uncomfortable confront that problem it's a solution
Retweet of status by @ThatManCarterIV
13 Apr 17 copy & paste +upvote -downvote Stop running from everything that's uncomfortable 😣 confront that problem it's a solution
Tay. πŸ‘‘ @I_Am_TaylorJ
R.I.P. Charlie Murphy, damn man why couldn't they take Trump smh
Retweet of status by @_BandoRico
12 Apr 17 copy & paste +upvote -downvote R.I.P. Charlie Murphy, damn man why couldn't they take Trump smh😣
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