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Sneezing Face 3499

Yung Wavy @DHILL30
So many pictures I didn’t get with people last night
Retweet of status by @currencyyyy
31 May 18 copy & paste +upvote -downvote So many pictures I didn’t get with people last night 🤧
RB @raphaelbalogun
@Playboisina Only one Sina
31 May 18 copy & paste +upvote -downvote @Playboisina Only one Sina 🤧
👼🏽 @TayaaWayaa
@OC_s4e I miss my brother so badly . He will be home soon
31 May 18 copy & paste +upvote -downvote @OC_s4e I miss my brother so badly .🤧😭 He will be home soon 💛
taylo || 21 || exams @bechloeweirdoxx
this is what happens when @Roxetera and @RoseEllenDix announce they are going on tour
Retweet of status by @becabeales
29 May 18 copy & paste +upvote -downvote this is what happens when @Roxetera and @RoseEllenDix announce they are going on tour 🤧
iWalkingCorpse @iWalkingCorpse
I'm sick.
I'm tired.
My head hurts.

Retweet of status by @ricwi
31 May 18 copy & paste +upvote -downvote I'm sick. 🤧 I'm tired. 😴 My head hurts.🤕 BUT I'M STREAMING ANYWAY! Time for some RAFT! 🔴…
l i l k 👸🏾 @theyCraveLilK
ion like that on and off shit .. cause when we off who you on ?
31 May 18 copy & paste +upvote -downvote ion like that on and off shit .. cause when we off who you on ?🤧
Bae @Aadriana_Aubrey
Understand that I can love you to death and never speak to you again
Retweet of status by @Aadriana_Aubrey
31 May 18 copy & paste +upvote -downvote Understand that I can love you to death and never speak to you again 🤧🤷🏽‍♀️
Ƙí_Fetizh™ @WhitingK__
First it hurts then it changes you.
Retweet of status by @___MoffittL
31 May 18 copy & paste +upvote -downvote First it hurts then it changes you. 🤧
Got a Hobi photocard.. my Bias must change now
31 May 18 copy & paste +upvote -downvote Got a Hobi photocard.. my Bias must change now 🤧
chillbill @_alyga
Why do some white people smell so bad
27 May 18 copy & paste +upvote -downvote Why do some white people smell so bad 🤧
MGNCut💵 @fvkyo_religion
I just Really Won’t My Niggas Back
30 May 18 copy & paste +upvote -downvote I just Really Won’t My Niggas Back🤧
Only in the 317 do you gotta be rich to fw a broke bih
Retweet of status by @I__Hustle
31 May 18 copy & paste +upvote -downvote Only in the 317 do you gotta be rich to fw a broke bih 🤧
E R I 🐣 @Stanka_Cain00
Just need everybody to stay out my face
Retweet of status by @QuonnaJanayy
29 May 18 copy & paste +upvote -downvote Just need everybody to stay out my face 🤧
Tcha⚔️ @TchaAlmighty
no matter what you gonna be hated , even by the ones who you love and thats crazy
31 May 18 copy & paste +upvote -downvote no matter what you gonna be hated , even by the ones who you love and thats crazy 🤧
isabel @hzmariahz
@hzmariahz Thank you for all the great memories we’ve had thus far! Summer ain’t ready for us.. See you soon baby girl
Retweet of status by @tahlented
31 May 18 copy & paste +upvote -downvote @hzmariahz Thank you for all the great memories we’ve had thus far! Summer ain’t ready for us.. See you soon baby girl 🤧💛
maryaan @maryaan_ramirez
I need friends that are up for adventures
Retweet of status by @jshVA
30 May 18 copy & paste +upvote -downvote I need friends that are up for adventures 🤧
💰🅱️ @abraneechera
bitch most shit I say be a fucking joke , stfu
Retweet of status by @therealmoochaa
31 May 18 copy & paste +upvote -downvote bitch most shit I say be a fucking joke , stfu 🤧
klktudicekari @KarinaMRosado
Falling for you more and more everyday if that’s possible
Retweet of status by @swolesam02
31 May 18 copy & paste +upvote -downvote Falling for you more and more everyday if that’s possible 🤧
🚚🔙 @uninvitd
every part of mino is fake except his heart get u a girl
30 May 18 copy & paste +upvote -downvote every part of mino is fake except his heart 🤧 get u a girl
jacksss @g_jackie50
I wanna ball up it’s been a while
30 May 18 copy & paste +upvote -downvote I wanna ball up it’s been a while 🤧
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