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Angry Face 1851

Janet @JanetCuhh
RT @MiguelRaww: The more money you make the more bills you have to pay
26 Aug 13 copy & paste +upvote -downvote RT @MiguelRaww: The more money you make the more bills you have to pay ๐Ÿ˜ ๐Ÿ˜ค๐Ÿ˜†
Charizard @JeradBuckley
HAHAHAHA "@Mbow3: This dude knows his family don't pray before they do anything. Ima be heated if they do... "
26 Aug 13 copy & paste +upvote -downvote HAHAHAHA "@Mbow3: This dude knows his family don't pray before they do anything. Ima be heated if they do... ๐Ÿ˜ ๐Ÿ”ฅ"
Folk need too get off Miley's metaphorical dick... damn let her live her life like she wants too
26 Aug 13 copy & paste +upvote -downvote Folk need too get off Miley's metaphorical dick... damn let her live her life like she wants too๐Ÿ˜ ๐Ÿ˜ก
Traveller โœˆ @J_RStewart
RT @KARRIisCAUASIAN: Our class starts at 11:15 why is every seat filled by 11:00?!
26 Aug 13 copy & paste +upvote -downvote RT @KARRIisCAUASIAN: Our class starts at 11:15 why is every seat filled by 11:00?! ๐Ÿ˜ ๐Ÿ˜ก
Josh Clarence @clarence_josh
I hate it when people take advantage of my grandma.
26 Aug 13 copy & paste +upvote -downvote I hate it when people take advantage of my grandma. ๐Ÿ˜ 
SOUL DAWWDDY ! @iamJaySoul
Fuggin majot headache hit me crucially just now ...
26 Aug 13 copy & paste +upvote -downvote Fuggin majot headache hit me crucially just now ... ๐Ÿ˜ 
McKayla Harder @McHarderXC
Finding out you did the wrong problems for your homework and having to start the assignment all over <<<
26 Aug 13 copy & paste +upvote -downvote Finding out you did the wrong problems for your homework and having to start the assignment all over &lt;&lt;&lt; ๐Ÿ˜ 
Lore @lorenameza1013
โ€œ@JsoProper_: @lorenameza1013 haha stop being a vagina!!โ€
26 Aug 13 copy & paste +upvote -downvote โ€œ@JsoProper_: @lorenameza1013 haha stop being a vagina!!โ€ ๐Ÿ˜ ๐Ÿ˜œ
Delany. @Delany_Mazingo
@kenieperschon t
26 Aug 13 copy & paste +upvote -downvote @kenieperschon t๐Ÿ˜ 
Rachel. @RachelAllington
RT @Shae_Nicole13: @RachelAllington Okay but this will probably be your last tweet... Say goodbye to everyone!
26 Aug 13 copy & paste +upvote -downvote RT @Shae_Nicole13: @RachelAllington Okay but this will probably be your last tweet... Say goodbye to everyone! ๐Ÿ˜ ๐Ÿ˜ก
Ye Olde Purdie @TheChrisPurdie
RT @CutThroat_Corey: โ€œ@CallMeKees: When youre taking a shit and your feet fall asleep โ€ !!! Or your legs
26 Aug 13 copy & paste +upvote -downvote RT @CutThroat_Corey: โ€œ@CallMeKees: When youre taking a shit and your feet fall asleep ๐Ÿ˜ โ€ !!! Or your legs
While people crying about their love life and being tired from school, Im here studying for my first quiz of the year and I am stressed
26 Aug 13 copy & paste +upvote -downvote While people crying about their love life and being tired from school, Im here studying for my first quiz of the year and I am stressed ๐Ÿ˜ 
If Sofia leaves....
26 Aug 13 copy & paste +upvote -downvote If Sofia leaves.... ๐Ÿ˜ ๐Ÿ˜ ๐Ÿ˜ 
Karimaโœจ @Thatgurllkarima
RT @Lacey_Walker35: No sleep for me ugh
27 Aug 13 copy & paste +upvote -downvote RT @Lacey_Walker35: No sleep for me ugh ๐Ÿ˜ 
Why is this update taking so long
26 Aug 13 copy & paste +upvote -downvote Why is this update taking so long ๐Ÿ˜ 
Lala Karimian @Lala_Karimian
@eminmalek that's it I'm drowning you on Saturday
27 Aug 13 copy & paste +upvote -downvote @eminmalek that's it I'm drowning you on Saturday ๐Ÿ˜ 
When parents tell you to put ur phone down when ur at the table << & now my mom & I go out to eat & she's been on the phone the whole time!
26 Aug 13 copy & paste +upvote -downvote When parents tell you to put ur phone down when ur at the table &lt;&lt; &amp; now my mom &amp; I go out to eat &amp; she's been on the phone the whole time!๐Ÿ˜ 
marleyy @LoveOfFemales
why am I so angry right now ?
27 Aug 13 copy & paste +upvote -downvote why am I so angry right now ? ๐Ÿ˜ 
Alli Laux @AlliLaux
Why does my throat hurt
26 Aug 13 copy & paste +upvote -downvote Why does my throat hurt ๐Ÿ˜ 
@juicysync I already said sorry!
27 Aug 13 copy & paste +upvote -downvote @juicysync I already said sorry! ๐Ÿ˜ 
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