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Chronological Emojitweets

Eggplant 398

myEmoji @myEmoji
Sierra LeonΓ« @KalahBrianna
"@RonnellHarris: @KalahBrianna she just wanted two " lmfao she was a very generous female.
11 Aug 13 copy & paste +upvote -downvote "@RonnellHarris: @KalahBrianna she just wanted two πŸ†πŸ†" lmfao she was a very generous female.
myEmoji @myEmoji
looks like a penis
12 Aug 13 copy & paste +upvote -downvote πŸ† looks like a penis 😹😹😹😹
demi schafer β™• @demixoxobabe
RT @Cody_Flynn: I see you @Nate_Otis hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
12 Aug 13 copy & paste +upvote -downvote RT @Cody_Flynn: I see you @Nate_Otis πŸ†πŸ“· hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
Lexy @LexyKaye
Ladies: if a guy sent you "".... What is your responds?
12 Aug 13 copy & paste +upvote -downvote Ladies: if a guy sent you "πŸ†".... What is your responds?
Spice in Training @MissDarlinn
β€œ@JBLACKPREZENT: I can't really use the emoji for my dick, I probably gotta use a . #Random lol” oh my gosh loooooooooool
12 Aug 13 copy & paste +upvote -downvote β€œ@JBLACKPREZENT: I can't really use the πŸ† emoji for my dick, I probably gotta use a 🐍. #Random lol” oh my gosh loooooooooool
traacee β™‘ @xoimpossible
RT @Ratchet2English: Bitches tweets be like...

"I wanna suck some dick "

then be like...

" Chill it's just a song! "

bitch what son…
12 Aug 13 copy & paste +upvote -downvote RT @Ratchet2English: Bitches tweets be like... "I wanna suck some dick πŸ†" then be like... "βœ‹ Chill it's just a song! " bitch what son…
myEmoji @myEmoji
Leo ' Babyyβ™Œ. @LoveeGod15
try take time & siddung pon buddy
12 Aug 13 copy & paste +upvote -downvote try take time & siddung pon buddy πŸ†
Mar @CallMeDaddyBtch
RT @Trevor_Ballin1: Bitches tweets be like...

"I wanna suck some dick "

then be like...

" Chill it's just a song! "

bitch what song…
12 Aug 13 copy & paste +upvote -downvote RT @Trevor_Ballin1: Bitches tweets be like... "I wanna suck some dick πŸ†" then be like... "βœ‹ Chill it's just a song! " bitch what song…
King Kay @LacedKingKay
β€œ@JayNekole: I had a rough day at work I honestly just wanna take 10 to the face and be like fuck it”
12 Aug 13 copy & paste +upvote -downvote β€œ@JayNekole: I had a rough day at work I honestly just wanna take 10 πŸ† to the face and be like fuck itβ€πŸ˜‚πŸ˜­πŸ˜­πŸ˜­
Mr. bombastic ❀ @SoJamacanKimmy
I overuse the eggplant emoji it's one of my favorites
12 Aug 13 copy & paste +upvote -downvote I overuse the eggplant emoji πŸ† it's one of my favorites 😜
Juanye brother @iimJayySavage
RT @DAIllusional: he sent her the emoji
12 Aug 13 copy & paste +upvote -downvote RT @DAIllusional: he sent her the πŸ† emoji πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
Tee @_Thugmizzes_
RT @CuteJuicyBooty: Lol see everybody knows what this emoji means!
12 Aug 13 copy & paste +upvote -downvote RT @CuteJuicyBooty: Lol see everybody knows what this emoji πŸ† means!
Peeping Princess † @LondooDontCare
RT @DaisyJaii: This emoji get niggas in trouble
12 Aug 13 copy & paste +upvote -downvote RT @DaisyJaii: This emoji πŸ† get niggas in trouble πŸ˜‚
PYR€X @KuntBunnie
β€œ@NothingLikeIt15: I'm crying at his response! RT β€œ@KuntBunnie: She wanted to know what the emoji mean”” the first one though
12 Aug 13 copy & paste +upvote -downvote β€œ@NothingLikeIt15: I'm crying at his response! RT β€œ@KuntBunnie: She wanted to know what the πŸ† emoji meanβ€β€πŸ˜‚ the first one though
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Food & Drink Category: Edible emoji can be found here. Fruits, vegetables, candy, popcorn, pizza. They finally made a taco emoji! So many to try in just one sitting!

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