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Chronological Emojitweets

Worried Face 421

Mr. Feeny @Notorious_R_E_G
RT @AyeeYOLauren: I'm so mad I'm working during the reunion
05 Aug 13 copy & paste +upvote -downvote RT @AyeeYOLauren: I'm so mad I'm working during the reunion 😟
DM @dawnmakio
awww man
SCHWARTZ @SchwartzTiff
Mais là l'idée d'aller le chercher dans le garage, de devoir bouger m'habiller et tout... Me passe l'envie
05 Aug 13 copy & paste +upvote -downvote Mais là l'idée d'aller le chercher dans le garage, de devoir bouger m'habiller et tout... Me passe l'envie 😟
Nieara @__TweetMeRight
On my TL , everyone seems all angry & depressed
06 Aug 13 copy & paste +upvote -downvote On my TL , everyone seems all angry & depressed 😟
Wheelchair JIMMIE!♿ @RideMyJIMMIE
“@DimeChicks: Dime
05 Aug 13 copy & paste +upvote -downvote “@DimeChicks: Dime”😟😍😍
Beauty & Brains. @CurliKay
“@In_A_YamChele: All on Kayla couch watching TV an eating chips”
05 Aug 13 copy & paste +upvote -downvote “@In_A_YamChele: All on Kayla couch watching TV an eating chips” 😟
Stephen⚓ @YaBoyStephen92
Rant over.
Ashley Hoang @_ashleyhoang
Why won't this pimple go away it hurts so much!
06 Aug 13 copy & paste +upvote -downvote Why won't this pimple go away 😟 it hurts so much!
✨Corinne Cochran✨ @corinne_cochran
So much on my mind...
06 Aug 13 copy & paste +upvote -downvote So much on my mind...😟
Dan Shivak @DanShivak
@TheyCallMeWiley baby:( I'm sorry
05 Aug 13 copy & paste +upvote -downvote @TheyCallMeWiley baby:( I'm sorry 😟
rochelle peters @rochelleellenp
In about 20 days I won't be living in the same town or seeing the people that make me most happy for a long time. #justrealizing #SadTweet
06 Aug 13 copy & paste +upvote -downvote In about 20 days I won't be living in the same town or seeing the people that make me most happy for a long time.😟😭 #justrealizing #SadTweet
Pinky Mallari ツ @Pinkkeyyy
Medyo pagod
Sasha Spilberg @SashaSpilberg
В конце видео на мое окно грохнулся огромный сук Я такой сильной грозы еще никогда не видела!!!
06 Aug 13 copy & paste +upvote -downvote В конце видео на мое окно грохнулся огромный сук 😟 Я такой сильной грозы еще никогда не видела!!!
C @ChasityWho
@AntoniaaSmiles haha, it really hits ya in the heart
06 Aug 13 copy & paste +upvote -downvote @AntoniaaSmiles haha, it really hits ya in the heart 😟
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