Twitter Emoji Popularity (Rank) | 491 of 2393 |
Apple/iOS Picture | |
Google Android Picture | |
Google Hangouts Picture | | Picture | |
LG Emoji Picture | |
Samsung Emoji Picture | |
Phantom Open Emoji Picture | |
ASCII Conversion | |
"Short Code" Name | :guitar: |
Keywords | Guitar, String, Music, Instrument, Jam, Rock, Acoustic, Electric |
Previous Names: | Electric Guitar |
Unicode Category | Miscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs |
Unicode Range | 1F300โ1F5FF |
Unicode Subcategory | Music Symbols |
Unicode Category | Activities/work/entertainment |
Unicode Subcategory | Music Symbols |
Names & Annotations | GUITAR |
Symbol Information | U+1F3B8 proposed |
Proposal Identifier | e-816 |
DoCoMo | [ใฎใฟใผ] |
KDDI | ย #292 ใฎใฟใผ(ใจใฌใญ) ใgitaa(ereki)ใ U+E506 SJIS-F6DF JIS-7661 |
Softbank | ย #257 #old65 ใฎใฟใผ ใgitaaใ U+E041 SJIS-F982 |
Emoji Code Version | iOS 4 Code |
UTF-8 Unicode Character(s) | ๎ |
UTF-8 Character Count | 1 |
Character(s) In Input | |
AppleColorEmoji Font (available in OSX/iOS) | ๎ |
Decimal HTML Entity |  |
Hexadecimal HTML Entity |  |
Hex Code Point(s) | e041 |
Formal Unicode Notation | U+E041 |
Decimal Code Point(s) | 57409 | UTF-8 Hex (C Syntax) | 0xEE 0x81 0x81 |
UTF-8 Hex Bytes | EE 81 81 |
UTF-8 Octal Bytes | 356 201 201 |
UTF-16 Hex (C Syntax) | 0xE041 |
UTF-16 Hex | e041 |
UTF-16 Dec | 57409 |
UTF-32 Hex (C Syntax) | 0x0000E041 |
UTF-32 Hex | E041 |
UTF-32 Dec | 57409 |
Python Src | u"\uE041" |
PHP Src | "\xee\x81\x81" |
C/C++/Java Src | "\uE041" |
Emoji Code Version | iOS 5 - Current |
UTF-8 Unicode Character(s) | ๐ธ |
UTF-8 Character Count | 1 |
Character(s) In Input | |
AppleColorEmoji Font (available in OSX/iOS) | ๐ธ |
Decimal HTML Entity | 🎸 |
Hexadecimal HTML Entity | 🎸 |
Hex Code Point(s) | 1f3b8 |
Formal Unicode Notation | U+1F3B8 |
Decimal Code Point(s) | 127928 | UTF-8 Hex (C Syntax) | 0xF0 0x9F 0x8E 0xB8 |
UTF-8 Hex Bytes | F0 9F 8E B8 |
UTF-8 Octal Bytes | 360 237 216 270 |
UTF-16 Hex (C Syntax) | 0xD83C 0xDFB8 |
UTF-16 Hex | d83cdfb8 |
UTF-16 Dec | 55356 57272 |
UTF-32 Hex (C Syntax) | 0x0001F3B8 |
UTF-32 Hex | 01F3B8 |
UTF-32 Dec | 127928 |
Python Src | u"\U0001F3B8" |
PHP Src | "\xf0\x9f\x8e\xb8" |
C/C++/Java Src | "\uD83C\uDFB8" |
Emoji Encoding | KDDI | |
UTF-8 Unicode Character(s) | ๎ | ๓พ |
UTF-8 Character Count | 1 | 1 |
Character(s) In Input | ||
Decimal HTML Entity |  | 󾠖 |
Hexadecimal HTML Entity |  | 󾠖 |
Hex Code Point(s) | e506 | fe816 |
Formal Unicode Notation | U+E506 | U+FE816 |
Decimal Code Point(s) | 58630 | 1042454 |
UTF-8 Hex (C Syntax) | 0xEE 0x94 0x86 | 0xF3 0xBE 0xA0 0x96 |
UTF-8 Hex Bytes | EE 94 86 | F3 BE A0 96 |
UTF-8 Octal Bytes | 356 224 206 | 363 276 240 226 |
UTF-16 Hex (C Syntax) | 0xE506 | 0xDBBA 0xDC16 |
UTF-16 Hex | e506 | dbbadc16 |
UTF-16 Dec | 58630 | 56250 56342 |
UTF-32 Hex (C Syntax) | 0x0000E506 | 0x000FE816 |
UTF-32 Hex | E506 | 0FE816 |
UTF-32 Dec | 58630 | 1042454 |
Python Src | u"\uE506" | u"\U000FE816" |
PHP Src | "\xee\x94\x86" | "\xf3\xbe\xa0\x96" |
C/C++/Java Src | "\uE506" | "\uDBBA\uDC16" |