= runner, sneaker, tennis shoe
It appears this is a white, non marking "tennis shoe". This was the replacement for the Man's shoe on the iOS 5 keyboard.Twitter Emoji Popularity (Rank) | 362 of 2393 |
Apple/iOS Picture | |
Google Android Picture | |
Google Hangouts Picture | |
Twitter.com Picture | |
LG Emoji Picture | |
Samsung Emoji Picture | |
Phantom Open Emoji Picture | Not created yet |
ASCII Conversion | |
"Short Code" Name | :athletic_shoe: |
Keywords | |
Previous Names: | Athletic Shoe |
Unicode Category | Miscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs |
Unicode Range | 1F300β1F5FF |
Unicode Subcategory | Clothing and Accessories |
Unicode Category | Artifacts |
Unicode Subcategory | Clothing and Accessories |
Names & Annotations | ATHLETIC SHOE Old name: SNEAKER = runner, sneaker, tennis shoe |
Symbol Information | U+1F45F proposed |
Proposal Identifier | e-4CD |
DoCoMo | Β #92 'Shoe' γγ€ γkutsuγ U+E699 SJIS-F8FA JIS-7A6E |
KDDI | Β #729 γΉγγΌγ«γΌ γsuniikaaγ U+EB2B SJIS-F3EC JIS-7A6E |
Softbank | Β #219 #old7 ι΄ U+E007 SJIS-F947 |
Emoji Code Version | iOS 4 Code |
UTF-8 Unicode Character(s) | ξ |
UTF-8 Character Count | 1 |
Character(s) In Input | |
AppleColorEmoji Font (available in OSX/iOS) | ξ |
Decimal HTML Entity |  |
Hexadecimal HTML Entity |  |
Hex Code Point(s) | e007 |
Formal Unicode Notation | U+E007 |
Decimal Code Point(s) | 57351 | UTF-8 Hex (C Syntax) | 0xEE 0x80 0x87 |
UTF-8 Hex Bytes | EE 80 87 |
UTF-8 Octal Bytes | 356 200 207 |
UTF-16 Hex (C Syntax) | 0xE007 |
UTF-16 Hex | e007 |
UTF-16 Dec | 57351 |
UTF-32 Hex (C Syntax) | 0x0000E007 |
UTF-32 Hex | E007 |
UTF-32 Dec | 57351 |
Python Src | u"\uE007" |
PHP Src | "\xee\x80\x87" |
C/C++/Java Src | "\uE007" |
Emoji Code Version | iOS 5 - Current |
UTF-8 Unicode Character(s) | π |
UTF-8 Character Count | 1 |
Character(s) In Input | |
AppleColorEmoji Font (available in OSX/iOS) | π |
Decimal HTML Entity | 👟 |
Hexadecimal HTML Entity | 👟 |
Hex Code Point(s) | 1f45f |
Formal Unicode Notation | U+1F45F |
Decimal Code Point(s) | 128095 | UTF-8 Hex (C Syntax) | 0xF0 0x9F 0x91 0x9F |
UTF-8 Hex Bytes | F0 9F 91 9F |
UTF-8 Octal Bytes | 360 237 221 237 |
UTF-16 Hex (C Syntax) | 0xD83D 0xDC5F |
UTF-16 Hex | d83ddc5f |
UTF-16 Dec | 55357 56415 |
UTF-32 Hex (C Syntax) | 0x0001F45F |
UTF-32 Hex | 01F45F |
UTF-32 Dec | 128095 |
Python Src | u"\U0001F45F" |
PHP Src | "\xf0\x9f\x91\x9f" |
C/C++/Java Src | "\uD83D\uDC5F" |
Emoji Encoding | DoCoMo | KDDI | |
UTF-8 Unicode Character(s) | ξ |  | σΎ |
UTF-8 Character Count | 1 | 1 | 1 |
Character(s) In Input | |||
Decimal HTML Entity |  |  | 󾓍 |
Hexadecimal HTML Entity |  |  | 󾓍 |
Hex Code Point(s) | e699 | eb2b | fe4cd |
Formal Unicode Notation | U+E699 | U+EB2B | U+FE4CD |
Decimal Code Point(s) | 59033 | 60203 | 1041613 |
UTF-8 Hex (C Syntax) | 0xEE 0x9A 0x99 | 0xEE 0xAC 0xAB | 0xF3 0xBE 0x93 0x8D |
UTF-8 Hex Bytes | EE 9A 99 | EE AC AB | F3 BE 93 8D |
UTF-8 Octal Bytes | 356 232 231 | 356 254 253 | 363 276 223 215 |
UTF-16 Hex (C Syntax) | 0xE699 | 0xEB2B | 0xDBB9 0xDCCD |
UTF-16 Hex | e699 | eb2b | dbb9dccd |
UTF-16 Dec | 59033 | 60203 | 56249 56525 |
UTF-32 Hex (C Syntax) | 0x0000E699 | 0x0000EB2B | 0x000FE4CD |
UTF-32 Hex | E699 | EB2B | 0FE4CD |
UTF-32 Dec | 59033 | 60203 | 1041613 |
Python Src | u"\uE699" | u"\uEB2B" | u"\U000FE4CD" |
PHP Src | "\xee\x9a\x99" | "\xee\xac\xab" | "\xf3\xbe\x93\x8d" |
C/C++/Java Src | "\uE699" | "\uEB2B" | "\uDBB9\uDCCD" |